Water treatment tank AQUARE_X - ECOFROG

Water clarifying
The AQUARE_X treatment system allows the reprocessing of charged water. This process is used when the amount of wetting water entering the production is not large enough for the complete reuse of the charged water or the presence of pigments in the loaded water does not allow its reuse in the manufacturing process. The charged water is pumped into the settling tower via a duct, through which defloculants are incorporated, if necessary. The fine elements are deposited in the cone of the silo and can be evacuated by the solenoid valve controlled by an automaton.
Drainage of water
The sludge can be reused in the plant or treated with a RE_XPRESS filter press to extract the remaining water. The settling water flows through the upper part of the silo to a storage tank. This makes it possible to distribute the clarified water to different parts of the plant by means of a blower.

It consists broadly of a settling silo with a conical lower part. Solid elements (cement, fine sand and coloured pigment) are deposited after adding polymers. An extraction solenoid valve facilitates the removal of thick sludge, while clear water is discharged into a buffer tank at the top of the silo. Depending on the concrete recipe, these components can be reused in parts or in their entirety; water can also be used for washing, polishing and other applications.
In addition to the various main components described in the above lines, we offer various sub-components for the transport and sorting of fluids and solid elements such as pumps, agitators and all the corresponding automation.